Welcome to ThreadisT

Universe where threads and nails replace paint and brushes

Find The Perfect Art For You

Welcome to THREADIST, a universe where hammer & threads replace brushes and paint. Threadist presents handmade and unique artworks created with a technique of threads, nails and passion. The name Threadist is creatively composed of the words “thread” and “artist”, and Isra Mohannad she is the thread artist behind Threadist. Welcome to a place where inspiration, imagination, and creativity blooms.

I believe art speaks differently to everyone. If you want to impress your guests or give a gift that will last a lifetime, you can find it here. Look for inspiration, explore and find what kind of art speaks to you.

Art For Company

Elevate your brand and make customers remember you with unique customized art.


Original Art

Are you an art collector? Feel free to scroll through my existing artworks and take one home.


Art For Your Home

Decorate your home or gift your loved ones with a memory that will last a life-time.


“The amount of details is astounding. It is so beautiful I hung it up right away. It’s a completely different experience for my customers to see this unique type of art..”




My creativity is what moves me forward and inspires my artistic journey. It is a feeling you get only rarely in your life and my dream has always been for the whole world to feel what I feel when immersing myself in art. That is why I created THREADIST, where I share my passion and creativity with others.


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