Welcome to ThreadisT
Universe where threads and nails replace paint and brushes
Find The Perfect Art For You
Welcome to THREADIST, a universe where hammer & threads replace brushes and paint. Threadist presents handmade and unique artworks created with a technique of threads, nails and passion. The name Threadist is creatively composed of the words “thread” and “artist”, and Isra Mohannad she is the thread artist behind Threadist. Welcome to a place where inspiration, imagination, and creativity blooms.
I believe art speaks differently to everyone. If you want to impress your guests or give a gift that will last a lifetime, you can find it here. Look for inspiration, explore and find what kind of art speaks to you.
“The amount of details is astounding. It is so beautiful I hung it up right away. It’s a completely different experience for my customers to see this unique type of art..”
My creativity is what moves me forward and inspires my artistic journey. It is a feeling you get only rarely in your life and my dream has always been for the whole world to feel what I feel when immersing myself in art. That is why I created THREADIST, where I share my passion and creativity with others.
Send me a message and let’s talk